Wake is most likely going to kick our butts, but there's nothing I can do. At least they'll probably beat Varsity too, who's down to six able-bodied players. The varsity coach wanted to pull me up, but Anji wouldn't let her because she knew she'd have nothing left. Fuck no more double rostering. v.v
Some girl sneered at me today because my pants weren't "jeggings".
Sorry that I like having pockets on my jeans, and that I don't fall for stupid-ass clothing campaigns.
I like skinny jeans, and tucking boots into jeans. >.> I also don't wear boots unless they're cowboy boots, and I only wear those when horseback riding. And believe me, when you're walking around in a barn mucking out stalls, it's nice not to get crap on the cuffs of your pants.