Rough Transcipt draft - most spelling mistakes intentional.
Autopsy report, subject gamma, dated 25 July 1987, supervising doktor *HASHES HERE*. We haff here ze corpse of ze experiment gamma. Ze fetus has aborted at approximately 25 weeks of gestation. Ze cause of zis is immediately evident on examining ze fetus - zere is massif congenital defects zat are obviously related to ze genetic alterations *HASHES HERE* ...that ze experiments brain is highly malformed. In addition, ve haff not been able to collect CSF sample..... *evil squishing/cracking noises*. Zis is revealed to be due to ventricle deformation. Ze brainstem is abnormally large comparatif to human foetus, and ze temporal lobe very much smaller. *HASHES HERE* Ze.... zee blood... zee haematological profile is most interesting and we are seeing some side effects zat we were not expecting. Zee foetal haemoglobin has odd form not seen in humans. Zee red cells are nucleated as in zee avians - zis does not appear to be result of abnormal or incomplete erythropoiesis, very few immature erythrocytes are seen. less zan 1 percent of cell are anucleated. Ze subject's bone merrow shows notable hypocellulerity and... *HASHES HERE*
With it go notes about how that was all that was recoverable as the tape was damaged. And accompany it with a half-assed transcript missing words, I'd like to see if people try to transcribe it.
Uh, and I was thinking it needs to have a crackly background, with occasional clinks/paper shuffling at times etc. I'll record it tomorrow, and have a play.
Either this weekend or later this week, Since I'm one of the few people on here with an older male voice, I'll also give it a shot...when I try reading a few practice lines though it comes out sounding a bit more Russian than German though...later on I'll listen to some more accents and mess with the spelling.