Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Riddle me this: is it just too nerdy to write a synopsis world history... for a fictional culture?
I've done it. :D Fuck, I'm making up a whole world and history on my own for D&D, plus drawing maps, etc...

I'm doing it so I have a full background for my trilogy.
I've done it. It makes perfect sense
I just finished a painting. o.O I haven't done that in a while. It only took two days, and I had a shitload of homework, too... I must be forgetting something...

I've noticed that I'm cursing a lot more lately... My mind is being corrupted more than I thought. First the "That's what she said" jokes, and now this. x.x
I've been cursing a lot more lately too. The only problem is that it becomes harder to turn off when I'm in RL situations...
XD I actually haven't had a problem with it IRL so much... I guess I'm still trying to set a good example for my little siblings... >.>
Same. x.x 'Tis horrid, I hate it.

*blames peers and less time to read* >.>

*needs to fix it*
-Misses here- Stupid phone won't fricken let me post on here. And my school's wi-fi won't let me on.

Somehow, I truly loathe that place. I mean sure, my old school didn't have wi-fi at all, but hell, at least I actually got spoken by classmates other than one class. -Rant, rant, rant, rant , rant on hating of the stupid new school-

All I have to say it, all my favourite classes are switched up (like I don't like Computer Science but it's the class I look forward to...), and I bloody hate trig. English teacher is a douche bag. Which makes me hard to acknowledge since I adored all my old English teachers.

Also I've been swearing a lot and am screwed when it gets too cold to eat outside. I wonder if the library stays open at lunch...

And now I'm thinking about how wonderful Halifax is. And how dreadful this place is. Funny how I felt that way for almost a year at home. So... screw this place. Hurry up year, I want to not hate this place so badly. Mainly because I'm stuck here for three years.
Trying to finish an essay with my dad on the couch behind me and the cleaners downstairs.

oh my god

wat do



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