Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I'd say Endof/Nathan's ARG should work pretty well. We could always
a. 'Nonchalantly' release a sourceless rumor of Fang's demise in the next book.
b. Publicly complain about the mods. Nothing spells drama like people raising pitchforks over something they don't understand.
Also, posted my part of the transcript to the ARG thread. That was fun!

I'm sick of everything. But really, I'm just sick. As in, good ol' chicken soup, take your temperature sick.
I'm not sure either.
Genetics. Proper, realworld genetics, not that Mendelian stuff we got told was THE ONE AND ONLY GOSPEL TRUTH all through High School.

Waaaaaaah. COME BACK, MENDEL!!!
And this is still the funniest thing I've read lately.

Wel, entschuuuuldigung, Prinzessin.
Deciding between Breakfast of Champions and Doomsday Book.

I know this guy. I had no idea he could do all of that.... I mean, he's the keyboard player for my favorite local band, so I knew he could play that, but still...
:( I wish I could play keyboard or guitar like that.

Or that I had a Gibson ES-335. *Thinks that's what the guitar is*
Me too. D:
Lab today! Cytogenetics, woooo!
My fever is raising. o.o

Oh God, I HAVE to get better by tomorrow.


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