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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Definitely, sounded awesome, cool idea. I never really looked forward to an MR movie, because I saw what they did to other decent adolescent fiction movies. Eragon: Awful. Later Harry Potter's: Stupid, don't even go along with the books. Percy Jackson: 25 year old actors playing 13 year-olds. And it's not like MR gives them anything good to work with in the first place.
I can fag on about MR for hours. Or I used to be able to.

Now I've realized dammit, I just want an action movie like Predator fucked Splice and the baby was raised on the first two Terminator movies.
XD That would be epic. Maybe the PredaSplice can face off against the half Alien half Sigourney Weaver from that fourth Alien movie.
>.> No, literally, like the gritty dark action movie had a baby with the lighter science fiction movie. And then that child was raised in a dark cyberpunk-like world.
Oh. Sorta get it. *Hasn't seen enough movies from either genre*

This works wonders for an awful mood...
Pissed off.

And hoping that very, very, very, soon I'll get shipped back home. Because fuck it, I don't care if the mall is bigger than all the school's I've went to combined or that school here is better. I can't fucking stand this place.

Yes, I am aware that my sister just took a shower. I am aware that there isn't any warm water or very much. But god dammit, it's almost as cold as the water outside. You /cannot/ by any stretch shower in that. When it's actually warmer to keep the water off then there's obviously an issue.
*offers tea*

Funnily enough, I would've killed for some tea in the shower. >.>
I love the internet.

From a "worst book you've read" thread... uh, somewhere far, far away:

Author: James Patterson
Title: The Dangerous Days of Daniel X
Genre: Sci-fi? Fantasy?? God I honestly don't know.

It's a book about an alien kid on Earth that hunts other aliens after his alien hunter parents get killed by some kind of horse monster with an alien Uzi! But that's not all! He can use the magical powers of his mind to create anything he wants out of thin air! And he is going to used these powers to avenge his parents death! Did I mention that he has magical mind powers?! He can turn himself into a cockroach and make cows dance! With his mind powers! Did I forget to mention the mind powers??

And this one (no, I don't think he read the thread before posting, but God, I am crying vindicated tears):

Author - James Patterson
Title - Daniel X

k, i've always been a sucker for steven king, michael chrichton and a couple other popular fiction type authors. so when i was at an airport a little while back looking for something to keep me occupied on my flight i figured i'd try a Patterson novel. holy poo poo, i was unprepared for the level of suck contained within Daniel X.

i don't know if this is standard for Patterson, but this book is written for maybe a 5th or 6th grade reading level except with sexual and violent content clearly written for adults. the characters are unrealistic even for a quasi fantasy/sci fi novel and the storeline was beyond transparent.

i don't know how this guy sells books.

edit: lol! didn't read the thread before posting, guess i'm not the only one who hates patterson

edit2: guess i could include some more specifics...

Daniel is a crime fighting hero with several superpowers. In the book he is described as having level (n) superstrength and level (n) speed as well as the power to shape shift. the book opens with him as an infant. his parents are being brutally murdered and the monster is coming for him next! oh noes! so he shapeshifts into a gnat or a flea and escapes unnoticed.

cut to Daniel 20 or so years in the future working as a monster hunter/crime fighter working his way up the list of the most wanted monsters in the galaxy. turns out monster #6 is the one that killed his parents so he's jumping from #12 or 14 that he just did away with all the way up to #6!!! well, #6 has like level 20! superstrength holy poo poo!

anyways...eventually he gets in this confrontation with the monster and it's like the characters just change. Daniel goes from being kind of wary and scared of #6 to being super smart and confident within about a half page. and #6 goes from this all powerful invulnerable beast to a stupid, weak pissant. so i think daniel ends up pulling the same stunt as when he was young and kind of tricks the thing into killing itself or something.

Have you read Daniel X?
I used to have a piss-all hilarious review of it, but unless Google Cache caught it and you want to go sifting, it is lost. It was on the MR UK forums, and was probably the most fun I've ever had going to town on how shitty a book was.

Yes. Unfortunately, I have.


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