Yeah, I think that using contraceptives is something that both parties can pretty much support, and I've always believed that the answer is in lowering the rate of pregnancy occurring. However, I've never thought that stopping abortions are necessarily banning them, it's not like it would be cutting off access to a vital resource. They're unnatural, we're the only species that actually kills our young before they're even born.
Also... I'm sorry for starting some kind of argument over something like abortion, I was mainly just practicing my argument for Speech and Debate in school.
Permalink Reply by Omega on September 25, 2010 at 8:54am
Have you SEEN the abortion thread on MX?
Actually, we're not the only species that can choose to abort. Rabbits can apparently do it, if the mother thinks that she's going to have problem finding enough food to support herself and the bunny-lets, then she'll reabsorb them.
Don't be sorry, just, well, realise that some of us have seen this one done to death. Multiple times.
Sent them a cheerful message asking if they use the account.
Once I get a response, I'll ask the usual: how did you find us, have you read Maximum Ride, so what kind of music do you like, what brought you here, whatever. With a little oomph behind 'how did you find us' and 'what brought you here'.