Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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That isn't necessarily true. I'm guilty of that.

Though an alt is a possibility, that line of reasoning isn't.
*same. . *
Sorry, but I don't really understand why that's suspicious. And the 'hamrless' thing was 'cause my eyes missed it when reading over it.

And opinions on Maximum Ride? The concept was good, but from what I've heard it wasn't taken in the right direction. Maybe I'm not one to talk, I've only read the first three.
We're a bunch of suspicious creepers in general. We're paranoid. Why, and about what? Someone else can probably spot this with coherence (no coffee today for me), but because some members here have accounts on other sites, and if those accounts were linked back to here, they risk getting banned.

Stop reading now ._. Pretend that STW is the end. If you must read the next three, consider them fanfic.
Um, that's...reassuring. (:
Oh, well, that's understandable. And it is a good reason not to trust someone you don't know.

That bad, huh? A friend of mine told me to stop as well, but then another friend absolutely loves the series. I trust the former more for books, though.
Does anyone on this site like any of the books past STW?
I'm slightly fond of FANG, the sixth book, mainly because it introduces a somewhat capable scientist who I hope will be making a few reappearances in the future.

However. The three books after STW focus much more on Max and Fang angsting over each other than on, ooh, Itex, the School, Eraser Max, or basically any of the plot threads set up in the first three books.
FANG was good, and while MAX had some interesting elements, it wasn't really enough to save it.
The first part of STWAOES was fabulous. The second part was a major letdown.
If you want to preserve your reading experience,I could type you up a bunch of "need to knows" and you could proceed past the end of book three and directly to FANG. It would spare you a good deal of aggravation.
@nathan- That's what I'd heard about the past three, and that's why I didn't bother.

@EndOfTheEarth- Would you really do that? That would be very nice. And I'd actually give FANG a try, if I didn't have to read the other two.
1) Itex is gone. Dead. Defeated.

2) Max and Fang are now publicly in a relationship.

3) Angel has been expressing a greater desire to lead the flock.

4) The flock now works loosely with a bunch of Go-Green scientists and humanitarians called by their abbreviation "CSM"

5) The flock picked up a girl dog, that Total has been annoying everyone about.

6) In MAX, the flock found themselves pitted against a CEO named Mr. Chu, who had access to a bunch of evil cyborgs that tried to cause problems for Max et. al.

That's it. Nothing else noteworthy happened in Final Warning or MAX.
Two books and that's it? Sad.
Thanks for that, though, saved me a bunch of unnecessary reading.
Totinos pizza rolls for lunch. ^.^

Be jealous.
Flat bread sandwich with bacon, be jealous.


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