Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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That's fine.
I was considering naming him Christopher Pike, but I knew that someone on there would probably catch the reference.
I vaguely know someone named James Kirk vOv
I have an A- or above in every one of my classes except for Design, which is an art class.

...I think that's a little backwards from the standard.
I swear, these Christians make it so easy to argue against Christianity. Fuck this apologetics class. Come up with proof that God exists? Bitches, that's impossible. Then it wouldn't be /faith/.

Not to mention that although Christianity and Islam, while somewhat different, are also a lot alike. DON'T GET OFFENDED, PEOPLE. Gawd. And when I play devil's advocate and make my teacher look retarded, she's all "that doesn't apply here" and "I need to speak with you after class".

And they argue /for/ presuppositional apologetics? Like it's a GOOD thing? Double-u. Tee. Eff.
...What school do you go to?
Curious, are you religious?
Learning German the hard-but-fun way.

Fuck class.
Figured out that whole grain Cheerios taste like ice cream cones.
Playing air-guitar to 80s songs in between shopping in bits of the letter. arrgh
Last night I went to a huge-ass concert. Who in their right mind would make Skillet play between Drowning Pool and Five Finger Death Punch? o_O

Anyway, first I got stuck in a thin line of people caught between two mosh pits, and I got to watch my mom AND my boyfriend crowdsurf for the first time, and I was stuck on the edge of a mosh pit like "Where the hell did they go?!" It was crazy. I wonder if I could find any footage from that show... >.> *goes to look*

Also, pic of me as Hit Girl:

I feel fuzzy inside. :3


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