Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Trying to find the enthusiasm to study. I lost it somewhere. I think it might be under the couch.
Finally finished the goddamn letter, in just enough time to hack together something resembling an essay. *whimper*
Took three hours to do Math homework.

You lied Mr. Fechner.


Did the math, depressed.

I'm paying just over 500 dollars to write jackoff essays to prove I can do something I'm capable of in my sleep and post on the internet.

This is just a little short of what I'm paying for both my other classes. Argh.
You're in college right?

Damn. I can't tell whether to be excited or dread getting out of high-school.
Yep. Community college, but college.

Be excited. The other two classes I'm taking are worth every cent.

...also on the subject, it would appear that I lost the assignment for the midterm in one of my classes. Oops.

Perhaps Karma just wants me to make tea and go to sleep tonight ._.
It would appear so. Good luck finding that.
Currently, I am hating algebra homework.
Going to bed. G'night everyone.
I need more than five hours of sleep tonight.
New Jason Mraz songs. ^_^
Think I'm gonna be sick, has he released the dolphin one as a single yet?
xP No.


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