Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Natash means snake in Hebrew. All Angel names end with, "El."

Hence, Natashel.
Figure this might make you guys happy for a while...

Stumbled upon it while wasting my time. Depending on how you spend your time, you may have read it already.

And I can tell you, for a book no one really knows about, it's a freaking long trope page.
I want to read that...
*has read*

I look up all of my favorite stuff on TV Tropes. >.>

And then get distracted forever and ever.


Tis a cycle that usually starts at, "OH MY GAWD WHAT KIND OF ANIME DID I WATCH AS A LITTLE KID?", "Oooh my favourite X," which the leads to, "What is this trope?" which leads to, "Oh hey, I've heard of this before," which then leads to, "OH MY GAWD WHAT KIND OF ANIME DID I WATCH AS A LITTLE KID?"

Repeat over and over. And over.
I can... kinda see it.

But I can't really picture him as an angel ever in the first place. There's gotta be a fanfic on that somewhere. Ooh, I must find a good one.
No. "Nachash" (where the 'ch' works as a guttural 'h' as in the correct pronunciation of Channukah) means snake in Hebrew. Whomever was doing the translating screwed up their consonants, and mistook a chet for a tet or tav (probably the latter, since the two look similar: ת&ח).

If we do use the closest transliteration, we have נטש (Without vowels, so I'm not sure of the exact pronunciation, but this is doubtlessly the root word) which translates to "Abandoned."


Then again, when done with a tav you get נתש which is "serpent." Similar, but not the same.

And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why you should never take these name-meaning websites seriously, and pick the name simply because it's convenient for your use.
>.> Is it kosher to use them because they have data on the frequency of names? I don't feel like combing through mountains of data to name one-off characters...
Name frequency is fine, but as you know, name frequency is more of a result of popularity than word definition (and it's very important in making your names contemporary to the setting; Betty works better in the 30s and 40s than in the 90s or Aughts). As I'm sure you also know for a sue-litmus test, name-meaning tends to be a bad sign.
Study. Sucks. Hairy. Arse.
Caz really is a self-righteous prick. >.<'

The messages right after by other Antis really make me want to kick them.

Why I never visit TTS anymore.

And what the frig is up with this council shit? Or the royalty crap?


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