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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I didn't really care about the plot, or lack thereof, I was more focussing on THE FUCKING KITTEH MASSACRE.
They killed cats? Now that's just low :C
The possessed chick did. Honestly it looked more like an exploding black, furry ketchup bottle that meowed...
Not half as creepy as when her neck bent halfway around her head and the demon tried to strangle her. Just sayin'...
Eugh. That's why I don't watch things like that. x.x
I agree with you, but then each person is different, I don't watch any new horror movies, unless my sister or someone rents it. And now 3D Horror movies look even lamer, and I thought they couldn't get worse.
3D really doesn't make anything better, unless the director really wants to emphasize depth perception...and even then it causes eye strain, and there's a number of people who can't see them because their eyes don't work that way.

In the horror context, I could see it working if they wanted to blast something in your ear and have it jump out at you, but here we reach a frustration of mine: many horror movies these days mix up "scare" with "shock" where the latter is over almost as quickly as it comes, and the former stays with you for the rest of the movie. The fact that 3D promotes this fallacy is troubling to me.
I hate 3D movies. A lot.
I agree with the mixing up scare with shock, and I guess you could include it in shock, but they also seem to mix it up with, disgust, since the majority of horror movies these days seem to involve coming up with the goriest, ect ways to kill people.

When I watch modern horror movies besides being bored the only thing that usually think is how much gore was in it, which didn't add to the "horror"..
Guys take girls with them to scary things because they hope you're going to jump into their arms, thus removing the awkward necessity of making a move or asking. XP
I would argue that most girls know about that, and happily go along with the plan by faking scared, but maybe that's just me.

The hitch in the plan comes because I won't be faking scared, I /will/ be scared. And then embarrassed. I tend to make strange noises and faces when I'm freaked out.


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