Dammit you need candycanes or lollipops or something. Tobacco = bad, and being North Americans our life expectancy is stunted enough through our typical diets and environment. I'll stop preaching now because I'm starting to sound CM Punky, like I'm better than you. But smoking is terrible, most my family smokes, and urgh.
I've never smoked in my life, as strange as that possibly sounds -- someone sharing my head, however, begs to differ. It may be Ashley, the big douche.
Also, I am out of Sen-Sen, the usual target (other than pens) of my oral fixation.
Must look up sen-sen, since I've never heard of them before. Could be that Canada is as usual douches about what they trade and don't trade, or I live under a rock,
Sen-Sen is a verrrry old breath-freshener-type candy. Tastes rather licorice-y and it soothes the throat. Also, it is addictively good and almost impossible to find. Augh.
I don't bite hard enough to leave marks... heh, that's what she said.
...also I just ordered a shitload* of Sen-Sen plus two kinds of gum from an online store. I hate the internet sometimes... but I'll be kept in gum-and-breath-freshener bliss for... ooh, six months, knowing me.
* By shitload I mean 12 of the little packets it comes in, which is enough for about a year. As to gum... 144 pieces of Black Jack and 144 of Jolt. So. Shitload.
Permalink Reply by Xuut on October 26, 2010 at 12:43am
This place is a god damned hell hole.
My opinion may vary when I start living in an actual house that isn't on fucking wheels, until then (and since I can't feel my god damned toes) this place is a fucking hell hole.
I liked not having snow.
Perhaps I shall move to Australia. It's always warm there.