Hopefully your school lets you transfer this far into the year, at mine after September unless you had a serious issue with the class, or you had/faked a breakdown they wouldn't consider you.
Well Heavy Metal inspired a bunch of people to dress up and scare the older generation, so they did some good. Not enough to warrant a documentary though.
I would say, contingent to that, try and switch at the semester -- you can probably talk whoever's in charge of it into it on grounds of 'I don't feel I'm reaching my full potential in this class' and since it's at semester it won't be as disruptive.
Globalization is a cool topic, but man... what the fuck does music have to do with it? Do Chinese hip-hop or something! Fuck's sake!
Permalink Reply by Xuut on October 28, 2010 at 2:03pm
Why Heavy Metal is so important to Globlization: (Actual topic I have to write about. Yes. WTF indeed.)
Heavy Metal helps create interconnections to the world because it is a form of expression that many countries who are/were repressed -- such as Brazil, China, and Indonesia -- can express themselves. In other countries it is used to break social and out-dated traditional values in countries such as India, Japan, and middle eastern countries. They become connected through the fact that they all...
Tokio Hotel is a heavy metal from Germany, and I know tons of people who are obsessed with them... >_> *needs their music* Also I know some Japanese heavy metal/screamo :D
I'd do research as to where it started and go from there... I really like that topic though. XD
I just realized your class kind of reminds me of my Humanities, I'm in Views on Order and Freedom, and we've spent over half the semester on nothing but Socrates and Plato, we have I think 5 weeks left.
I went to a halloween thing at my dad's office. Most of the people there were in costume, I wasn't, so I improvised:
Worker: What are you dressed as?
Me: What, don't you recognize me? I appear in at least 1/3 of all horror movies.
Worker: Really, who?
Me: A college student.
Skimming a Christian tumblr to see if she responded to my message regarding "bitch, your tumblr is in the wrong place and you paid for it to be there, go pay to feed the homeless if you're so great".
I expect it to not make very much sense, based on the brainrape I'm enduring here :|
edit: Oy. That was fruitless. And now I have a headache.