Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I can smell my licorice gum and it's giving me the munchies. Must resist.
Why is the SAT practice stuff SO FREAKING EASY compared to the ACT practice... Stuff... ?

Is this a reflection of the difficulty levels of the tests? If so, HELL YES.


Now all I have is my design, poetry portfolio, and four nights' worth of algebra. And an essay outline. >.<'
Praying for steady hands; setting the crystal into my pocket watch; opening my very first piece of mail from overseas, which contains watch hands.
In the past hour and a half, I have:

1. Written a 557 (57 words over the bare minimum, hell yeah.) essay about ancient Greece government.
2. Written a 300 word essay contrasting the one chapter of a book that I didn't actually read to a part of the Bible I have never read, and I half-assed my way through it pretty well, I think.
3. Written two 100-150 word essays about ancient Greek shit.

I was working so efficiently and whatnot that I decided to tell you guys about it, and now I'm screwing around on the internet, unable to motivate myself to resume my former productivity levels. I'm like "ancient Greek battle tactics were successful in their simplicity and OMG YouTube HEY LOOK TWO BUNNIES IN CUPS. O.O" Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
^My mindset while working.

Take right now for example. I /should/ be finishing my Social assignment on something stupid and doing French homework, but instead I eat noodles, pretending I don't have any homework.
Pretending is a powerful skill. It helped when I got the ugly Barbies, and it helps when I have... Wait, what homework?
People are assigned word counts?
(Our teacher either specifies a page minimum, or it's expected to have a five-paragraph essay.)
bahahah 'five-paragraph essay'

Word-count assignation is a way to be sure your students can't just fudge slightly bigger spacing, font, or use margin shenanigans to increase page count.
^This. Most decent five-paragraph essays are around 500 words, I believe.
The audition piece for All-County is Shall I Compare Thee To a Summer's Day by Z. Randall Stroope. The Soprano 1 part goes up to a high B. x.x Shoot me now.

I mean, I can hit it, but..... Ugh. Whhhyyy? Suprising part is, we have to sing measures 29 through 40, and the B isn't even in that part. Usually they have the highest/lowest notes that'll be in the show in the audition piece. Hmm...
All-County? Is your county really that big? (We only have All-State...)


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