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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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We had an Australian team come here once.

Every year they had a competition on who could get more girls.

The coach won. Every year.

XD  We had an Aussie team come, too.  Then we stole nearly all of their plays.  'Aussie1', 'Aussie2', Aussie3', and then two reg. offense ones.  They've all been renamed, but. . . XDDD

In our defence, Australians don't really play Basketball.... 


Edit: Oh, wait. Stealing all their plays... is that good or bad?




Did you beat them Lampy?



(We kicked ass in our of our games. But I didn't get to see the Texans play. It was all African-American guys who were all at least 6'5.)

I don't remember if we did or not in the un-official 'official' game.  They stayed with us and everything so we played together loads.


Texans suck. XD  They're all huge guys and they shove like mad.  >.<'  They go over the back like nothing else, too, imo.  They don't even seem to try to fake that they played a decent game. I've been hanging out with a big longhorns fan again, so I've been watching lots of that.  XDDD

XD That's awesome. Our games only last three days, and it's once a year. Oddly enough, there's one exactly like it at the other school... on the same days.


O.o Really? Everyone wanted to watch the Texans. Partially because they're the only international ones here this year. (Personally, I want the Australians back. -Not biased, not biased-) Next year I wanna be an ambassador for this thingee. 

We've only done it once, and it was played really far down, and it was an international team.


Well, in college leagues, yeah.  I'd guess that would reflect from HS, too.

That's cool. :D 


Ours is an annual game. Every year. This year was pretty pathetic though. We only had people from neighboring provinces and Texas. 


 Get your school here! :D? Everyone will be all, "Look we got Americans this year!" 


Probably. They were really tall though, and I never got to see them play.

My school is beyond ghastly. XDDD  Like, our record used to traditionally be the worst.  Last year we set a record in like 20yrs for longest winning streak - Two Games.  I think we only won three, too.  This year I think we'll be better, but we're losing everyone, then.

But if you go to the work of setting it up, I'll put you in contact with the right people and see it gets the proper attention.


Did you guys use international rules?  Like, does the key get slightly extended as you get closer to the basket?  And how many steps do you get?  XD  *curious*

I think we're okay... One of the girls on the senior team is amazing. She's about the age of regular juniors but was pushed up to the senior team because she's that good. 


:D That would be epic. (And the international games would be more international...)


I think so. I'm not really sure what style we play. I mean, it's only due to actually being forced to play basketball last year that I even know what you're talking about. 

I didn't know you played. XD

What position? 


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