Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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My cream that once smelled really good (one week ago) no longer smells really good. 


This is troubling because it's like nine bucks. And a huge tub, from Germany. I thought I was getting an awesome deal. 


But dammit, I'll use this. -Determined- It smells good in the jar...

Is it weird that whenever I go to MDW I still type in 'Maximum-X'?

Fuck yeah, that's the way to do it. :D

Trying to plan out how to make a giant Golden Snitch birthday cake. For myself. XD


Gawd I feel so old...

You are old. XDDD

So according to my school, I'm eligible to become an English as a Second Language student. Which would be all fine and dandy if:


1.) English was actually my second language. Which it's not. 


2.) The school did not assume that English was my second language. 


3.) The school actually ASKED if English was my second language. We didn't even fill out a form saying whether or not English was my second language. 


4.) I have no accent. At all. 


5.) They didn't basis this on the fact that I'm Asian and I just moved here, therefore I must be an immigrant who has no idea how to speak English despite the fact that I moved from bloody fricken Nova Scotia. (Basically an all white place...)


6.) My old school transit scripts distinctly state that English is in fact, my first language. 


All in all, this is rather amusing. Next time someone critiques my grammar (which happens a lot...) I can scream, "WELL I'M SORRY ENGLISH ISN'T MY FIRST LANGUAGE ASSHOLE."


I'm surprised no one ever saw this.


I was trying to come up with puzzles for the ARG (2 down, 2 to go) when I looked up the address of the Institute for Higher Living on Google maps.

Guess what?

It's a school in Brooklyn.

I actually tried to find the motherfucker about a year ago when I was in NYC. Gave up, but it's nice to see that it really exists.

I've developed four puzzles for the ARG, but I need to know if they work.


The first puzzle (and the easiest) can be found in the ARG puzzle thread.


Once it's solved, I'll put up the next one.

We (Dual, Crowley, Mr. Kay, and Fake Fang) responded.

Good job. Puzzle 2 is also up. Another TAE one, but this one is a bit trickier.

Big O! Big O, Big O, Big O!


Responded, in case you didn't guess.


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