Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I lost my hot glue gun a few months ago and finally bought a new one yesterday. Guess what I just found? x_x

Demons and angels (not to be confused with angles), are also favorites


^What I read while on Fiction Press. XDD Clearly a common issue.

For the ARG.

Thoughts? Remember, don't repost anywhere else yet.

That's hot.


Also, I've been slooooowly working on the mix of ter Borcht's entry interview >/span>


In addition, I have like a week of no-internet downtime starting Christmas... any sort of written material you'd like me to work up?



Go into the Itex group and look at the dates that have one item or less associated with them. Things that would fit into those areas of the plot would be great. Starting to work on Elena's posts would also be a good idea.

Wow. :D Epicnessss...

Apologies for my recent leave of absence.  My hard drive basically fried, none of my files were recovered, and I had to redo three english papers.  :p

In recent news, my favorite character from Naruto (get your laughs in) was ruined when I learned his name in English means, "Fang."  Dammit.

EDIT: Is it my new browser, or does Ning look different to you guys too?

It's different on everyone's. :/ It got changed a couple weeks or so ago, I think. I lose track of time. XD

Helloz(: Dude I havent been on here in ever. o.o

Hey, yeah sorry.  So how's life Throne?


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