Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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We washed the car today. 


And by wash I mean we had to defrost the black water tank by blasting it with hot water at a truck wash. 


I still cannot feel my toes. 


I officially hate winter. 

Thinking too much. Being mad at myself. Wishing I weren't so stupid.
Over what?
...Just see the Secret Confessor thread. >.>

Sulking.  Nobody's ever on when I'm on.  >.>

Sorry mate. I was trippin on thesixtyone and attempting to fix my internet, which is terrible as usual. Or more so.



Do you still have school...?

Parents just had an argument about what classes my little brother should be taking. On whether or not he should be in Chinese immersion or French immersion. 




It's going to be worse when they discuss my older brother and university. 

Dumped a whole ton of documents onto the ARG, going to work on a transcript today if anyone wants to give it a shot.
Going to the Trans-Siberian Orchestra tonight. This will be awesome.
Writing. A-freaking-gain.

Such a weird mood though. All I can do is read a write and I was even tempted to write a song earlier but I actually remembered how much I suck at that. I give myself three more chapters before I abandon this one.

Tired. Wishing everything didn't have to fall apart right before Christmas. It doesn't feel like Christmas at all this year. :( 

It also doesn't help that we almost got snow last week and now it's freaking 70 F outside. I hate SC. And those stupid squirrels that live in my attic that make noises and won't let me sleep. *hits ceiling with stick*


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