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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I'm writing a new story. ^_^


Well, it's an old concept, but I only now started writing it.


The main character is just that: A main character. And aware of how he's a work of fiction, not related to anyone living or dead.

As if that wasn't enough, he's been sixteen for several lifetimes, has visited Japan more times than he's visited America, his parents recently abandoned him because of how many weird and supernatural things happen around him, he's broke and living in a cardboard box, and he's constantly chased by various supernatural people trying to get him to save the world from all sorts of world ending plotlines. He can't hold a girlfriend down because they consistantly have a bad habit of getting raped and murdered, and he has the blood of billions of innocents on his hands every time he fails to save the world, at which point his entire life is rebooted so he can try again.


Oh, and thanks to all of that, he's gone from a cheerful, heroic,extremely moral good guy to a paranoid, insane, apathetic psychopath who sees people as objects to be manipulated and disposed of at his whim. Also, he's starting to hear voices.


To put it in other words, his author (Not me: I'm just detailing what goes on in his head, which may or may not actually affect reality) is an escapism junkie. This story, suprisingly, has a deep moral. That's right. Not only am I writing one of the most gary sue-ish self insert fiction in history, and not only am I telling it from the actual character's perspective, I have a purpose in doing so.


In other words: I'm a fucking lunatic.

But that infers that the character has thoughts independent of the author, which isn't possible. How do you get around this? (Or do you note that the character and the author are the same person?)

Two things:


One: Willing suspension of disbelief. That is all. Sure, it might make some people uncomfortable because it's not explainable by either magic or science, which is how that sort of thing is usually ignored, but the story will be entertaining enough in it's own right that people will suspend their disbelief simply because it doesn't matter.


Two: That's not the point. It's half essay, half novel. Half entertainment, half rant on a number of things.


Trying to convince myself to stop trying to avoid editing my manuscript.

*headache from the double negative*


Um...good luck with that. Try just sitting down and concentrating it for an hour, without stopping to go on here or play video games or whatever it is you do in your freetime.

Writing page-long intros for my characters in a roleplay, and listening to my playlist of happy songs. 


:D Everything feels so wonderful right now.

Why did I just audition for a play?

God I am so stupid. I don't have time to go to play rehearsals, I seriously doubt my singing is as good as everyone says it is, and I'm the worst dancer in my entire school. Plus, I'm supposed to be studying for my Biology EOC next week. Oh yeah, and Cody can't even try out until after this semester's ended so it doesn't interfere with his work schedule. 

I just auditioned for Guys and Dolls. I don't even know what it's about. It's only my second play. Everyone else who's trying out is extremely talented. 

Why the hell did I do this?

Oh yeah. Because I fucking wanted to.

I'm such an idiot. Oh well, it ought to be fun anyway. Let's hope I don't fail my classes.


On a totally unrelated note, I sent an application to SCAD already. I'm not graduating high school for a year and a half. I feel... strange. But I do want to go to that school...

Which play?
*points* Guys and Dolls.

*is losing grip on reality*

Sounds like an older play. The music and dancing wouldn't be that hard...unless she gets a lead.

The singing's actually kind of hard... I don't know about the dancing, though.
The tunes I can find from the show are a bit wordy, but the range doesn't sound that large.


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