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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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A Farewell to Arms was interesting. I enjoyed it. Others didn't. *shrugs* It's mainly romance though. I don't know if you're into that.


My Antonia was easy BSing. Read half the book. Got a higher grade on the final test than my friend who read the whole thing. She was pissed.


Bless Me, Ultima was odd. I...kind of enjoyed it. But one of my favorite characters died so eh.


Xuut's right, House on Mango Street is pretty simple. Very short. Easy BSing, but you might have to read a couple of the vignettes twice. Then again, you're smarter than the average reader so maybe not.


>> *did not care for The Catcher in the Rye* I rambled for a paragraph about how it had no plot. Then I rambled about how Holden was in the closet. Got full credit, too.


Lastly I heard good things about The Illustrated Man. I haven't read it myself. It was optional and I chose to read Jane Eyre instead. *eye twitch* I did not enjoy Jane Eyre. It was... unnecessarily descriptive.


*sighs* No Poe...


Well, that's my advice/say. I hope it helped.

Thanks. :3
The imagery in all of those old books are always annoying, but you have to admit, Mr. Rochester was a fun character.
Cat's Cradle by Vonnegut one is pretty good, and Asimov's I, Robot isn't that hard...more like looking though logic puzzles than a plot.


Patterson finally ran out of content. We get ANGEL, one more, and it's over!



So... this means... in, I dunno, 5 years, MX will be a dead zone after the hype dies down?

Sadly, no. Dan X and W&W are still ongoing, remember? The loss of MR fans will be a huge loss to the site, however. I don't see myself as being there much longer than five months after the last book is released.


Then again, I hope to be a published author between now and then, so it won't be a total loss.

Dan X and W&W don't have fans. They have poor saps who thought the books looked interesting, but were poorly mislead. And then there are the idiots who enjoy them, but can't manage to use such a complicated and fancy thing at the Internet.
I've seen two or three on the site, nothing compared to the numbers who came there for MR.
That's when he switches to a new series based on the second generation, though.
If he decides to do that. Rowling hasn't done it with her cash cow...nor really has Meyer. Why should Patterson?
Because he's worse with selling out and whatnot than those two.  He's done the ghost writer thing.  Rowling and Meyer do seem to have some standards.  And Meyer ish did that with the Bree Tanner one (or it's something like that?), taking random stories from other random characters just to continue the franchise.  


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