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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Some teachers are just weird that way about grading.

No school again today. :D I just wish the roads could be not covered completely in an inch-think layer of ice so Cody could come over.



I know it's a snow day. It's the second snow day in a row. Nobody can come over (Except for Scott, which is why I'm staying in my room... >.>), and I can't go anywhere. This is so freaking BORING. And I haven't seen Cody since Sunday. And he's also bored out of his mind, and not allowed to go anywhere either. Urgh....

They've already canceled school for tomorrow here. I have to write a 3-4 page essay on the Holocaust, which was assigned by my Jewish-by-birth-and-Catholic-by-faith History teacher, whose Grandfather was an Auschwitz survivor. x.x I think I'd rather be hiding in my room.

On anything in particular? I must have written that essay eight or nine times and have some idea what they are looking for.
What the Holocaust was, how it started, and the effects in Europe and America. I'm not worried so much about the essay itself, just the teachers response to any mistakes.

The effects alone you can go for pages and pages on >.>;;


Do lots of research and write well. 

Yeah, the topic is easy and interesting enough.


Research is easy enough, though there's way more on the 6,000,000 Jews who died vs. the 5,000,000 PoW's, gypsies, homosexuals, mentally and physically disabled, etc. who died. I tend to ramble, and I use subtitles and such when writing an essay of this length...

If you want, I can read it over and check for factual errors.


The Holocaust was a direct persecution of Jews, which was started by Adolf Hitler as a way to direct the blame of Germany's post WWI economy and create a political platform for himself. Once he had gained power, he continued to use the Jews as a way to point blame (in addition to other minorities) and began touting the concept of a 'pure Germany' which was to say, one that got rid of anyone deemed 'problematic' (Jews, Gypsies, Communists) or 'defective' (homosexuals, people with physical defects, people with mental illness). This lead to the "Final Solution" which involved killing everyone in the aforementioned populations.

Then you get to the part that everyone hears about. "Unwanteds" were shipped to concentration camps such as Treblinka and Aushwitz, where people were stipped of their clothes and belongings (and hair). Those who could work were sent to forced-labor portion of the camps where they were stuffed into too-small baracks with little or no food, and forced to work on various items to help the Nazi war machine--quarrying and the like, a few random ones were also used for biomedical experiments (See Joseph Mengele), and were often brutalized, or killed when the guards felt inconvenienced or bored. Those not sent to labor camps, including children, elderly, and anyone without a useful prior occupation, were packed into gas chambers and killed. Some times the bodies were incinerated, sometimes the bodies were buried in large pits by labor camp workers, sometimes the bodies were just left out in the open in large piles. This sort of thing continued until the camps were broken open by Allied forces late in the war.

Prior to the liberation of the camps, the Holocaust wasn't heavily publicized, despite the fact that the leaders of Allied governments were very much aware of their existance. Some Jews managed to escape to the UK and America, but as both countries were enforcing strict immigration laws, many more couldn't get in and were returned to Germany, or German-controlled territory. The concentration camps were only used as excuses and shown to the public towards the end of the war, and as a method of persecution during War Crimes trials. After the liberation, far fewer went back to Europe, with most eventually settling in the US, the UK, the USSR, or charging off to what would three years later become Israel.

Total casualties of the holocaust stand at between 11 and 17 million people. 6 million of these were Jews, which is to say that 60% of the Jews in Europe were wiped out.


I could go on about any of these topics for a while (yes, about 95% of that was from memory), but I think that half of it ought to satisfy your teacher.

I just schooled a random dude on chemistry.


Use the fucking Google, guys. Ethanol is da good shit that we drink. You can also run an engine on it. And yes, dumbass, it is in Four Loko.


Edit: Also, this is nerdy, but sausage curls are probably one of my least favorite fashion things ever.

Hahaha, turns out I know the site better than the moderators do.

So I ask them "Why haven't the featured things changed in half a year?"

They say, "I don't think we have that power."

Ten minutes later...

They say, "We just checked in with the site owner. Apparently we do have that power" (Interestingly enough, this is the fastest response ever received from the Admins.)

That's awesome.


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