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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Yes, of course, the unemployed college student behind Elena secretly works for the publishers. 


I wish.

Then you'd get paid.


JP never pays the people he rips off.


We're having a silent written debate on the benefits/costs for the US of illegal immigration in my world civ class.


And we didn't get to pick sides. :|

Laptops are awesome, y/y?


Posting from Zack while the other one runs Bioshock. I've been thinking of calling him Jack, but that's really kawaii desu ne for me... but rhyming names. My laptops could rhyme.

The BioShock movie is going to be a hard R. Good.

Also, they're working on rounding out Jack's character, because for the movie they can't just have a "hand with a gun"

So it's definitely a go?



Hey peeps remember me?
oh hai.

How was Bible Camp?
I'll tell you more when I get back from my super-late dinner!
XD That works.

super-late dinner concluded.


Bible Camp was...well, an experience. We spent 2 weeks training in Florida before we went to Belize, and that was the worst was called Boot Camp and they ran it like one. We had to get up at 5 in the morning to run an obstacle course (one of its charming features was a pit filled with smelly water that you had to swing on a rope over. If you fell in, you would stink for the rest of the day) and we were constantly in a rush everywhere, going to all these classes that we didn't end up using in Belize at all. You got an extra hour of work for doing anything from being disrespectful to forgetting your nametag, and with a team of 25 people someone's going to screw up somewhere...our whole team served an hour of work (a "Special Blessing") every day and never got the chance to bathe or wash our clothes (using water from a lake of course). Combine that with the nightly lectures on the evils of drugs, swearing, and homosexuality...


But hey, I survived it. Belize was, and tons of mosquitoes, and it rained every day...but there were BANANA trees that you could just reach up and snatch fruit from and the people were amazing (I got to teach English to a couple of women and I've decided that's what I want to do...go to poor areas in foreign countries and teach people English/how to read so they can get better jobs). We were building a hurricane shelter..mostly digging the foundation...and it was hard but it was amazing to look at a hole in the ground at the end of the day and think you made that. We did our bathing at a lagoon and were in tents the whole time...I actually liked that part. Our bathrooms were little shacks over holes dug in the out for flies and tarantulas. It was just so DIFFERENT, and I loved it...


The US seemed really weird for a couple of weeks after that ( ;


Anyway, I must have liked it enough, because I'm going back this summer...this time to Haiti. The fundamentalism was hard to deal with at times but it helped me strengthen my own views even when I didn't agree with them and it was kind of inspiring how everyone BELIEVED so strongly in something, even when they were utterly wrong.

long ramble concluded.


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