Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Didn't talk to you, but 'night anyways. :)


I'm school-free tomorrow too! :D

It's Martin Luther King Day, yo.

We just had an entire snow week and I have to go back Tuesday. I have exams. I am so screwed. D:


Tomorrow, I will take my ADD meds, and I will study, dammit. Now watch me procrastinate and not do anything. >.>

MDW searchbar died. It says that less than 25 posts have the word "the" in them.
Oh Ning.
Because all of the normal things I looked up returned no results whatsoever, so I figured I'd try a word that appears in practically every other post on the site.
LOL OKAY I just posted my accent.

Zombify out of bed because fic will not leave me alone.


Come to computer.


Lucky number thirteen tabs of Bioshock fanfic and art open, most of which I wouldn't want my parents to know about.


Oh dear God what is my problem.

I don't know, but this isn't necessarily the best place to go for help ( ;

Schoolfree day ruined by evil stepmother...I'm supposed to be vacuuming the kitchen right now. After that, it's laundry, clean my room (because apparently, it smells, because apparently I need to change my bedsheets more and apparently keeping clothes in piles on the floor is not an acceptable method of textile organization meh) and if I'm lucky get some time to work on my science fair project and go running.



Would somebody please explain tumblr to me? I'm confused.

You post things, like links or video or audio or text or whatever the hell. And you follow people to see what kind of things they post.


I mainly use it to mainline pretty dresses and Bioshock things, but there's basically a fan tumblr for everything.


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