Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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XD Nice. Don't you live in Canada though?  Probably gonna sound really stupid but... Doesn't it snow like all the time in Canada?
Not on the west coast.
Really?  That's BC right?

Eh, I kind of generalized, we tend to call the western provinces the west coast for some reason in Quebec.



Prairie provinces = Cold. >.> Really cold. And c'mon you guys have like -10 weather right now. That is so epic.  


Quebecois be hatin'.

Quebecois be hatin' all of Canada, those bastards.

C'est le meme raison pour quand j'ai dit, "je suis un Canadien". :D

French separists scare me. I mean, they make fun of me in a foreign language. At least in English I can retaliate.... The worst I can say is "Tu est un cochon!". Which isn't much of an insult...


XD People with Quebec pride aren't too bad, it's those vicious ones who think they're superior who are a pain in the ass. (Although I guess some assholes might get the wrong impression if you don't say you're Canadian.) 

Well, not in Vancouver or P.E.I or Halifax. It's ridiculously warm over there. Which are pretty much all the southern coasts. 


I now live in the prairies which translates roughly into, "Middle-Of-Nowhere-That's-Really-Fucking-Cold-And-No-Snow-Days-Bitches."

*goes to one that is closed*


Did they give any legitimate reason? 'Cause that sucks...

Working on a boycott/protest for MX.


Fun stuff.

What part of MX?



All of it.


I don't plan on succeeding, but I'll do it anyways, just to make a point.


Namely, I'm annoyed at how Patterson and Hatchette own everything posted on it--all the writing and whatnot. It irks me.


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