Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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A little bit goofy -- though keep in mind I spend way too much time obsessing over "oh god but is this hand cream period?" -- but intriguing. Cliche? Some of the elements ring a few bells -- boarding school for Talented Freak Children, obviously -- but not the whole plot.


Go nuts. It sounds fine to me.

TBH, at some points I think it evolved into a parody.


For example, I want him to have some kind of willpower related power boost...that turns out to have been activated by his demonic nature, and shortened his lifespan considerably.


And goofy? Hell, Ham and Cheese are staples of my work, to the point where when I don't have them I feel nervous.


Thanks. ^_^

Just had dinner with the family. Like, outside the house. Am officially reminded why I wanted to go far, far, away. (No, not the place in Shrek.) I am officially taking this out on my English assignment. "Have you grown apart from your parents? If so, how?" Somehow this has turned into a very long rant. One paragraph my ass. 


Totally on a different note, but apparently my Science class is the only one that blows up things so much... 


I've asked for a link on the arg thread. Can you give me one?


Here's one. ^

Valentine parties like a mad woman all weekend. Your link will come on Monday.
Heh. Yeah, I know a whole lotta people who do that.

Regarding the latest puzzle:


If you invert the colours of the page and zoom in a bit, it makes it really easy to read. Should I post a screenshot, or leave it to the squees?

Wait until this evening.
They got it.
I finally got my internet back, and then Thursday a fuse blows out in my house, making my computer cord short out. A friend charged my laptop so I could check on stuff here and everywhere, but I'm going to be gone for a little while, still, unless I check on my phone. I hate checking with my phone because it's hard to type and takes forever and doesn't show everything. >.<' I miss this place. And I haven't checked the ARG in like a week so I don't even know what's going on there.

God damn you all.


Next time you type up a document, turn off the fucking spellcheck. Or print it out and actually scan it.


I'm working on a plan to fix this, give me a second.

I'm sorry. In hindsight, I overreacted. Forgive me.


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