Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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His name shall be Ten of Swords, Ten for short (Should I translate it into another language?)


On account of the Ten of Swords representing death in a Tarot deck.

Foreign language names are fun. Sure. I think it'd be more of a name, then, in an English RP, than "ten", though that's not bad, either.


Do you own a tarot deck? >.>

I don't own one, no.

Ah and for the record, this is different than my other story.

...My handwriting is increasingly similar to that of my brother's, and this makes me happy.


In other news, I really want Ray Ban's pink Wayfarers. iamsonotapatheticfangirlshutup

Finding a picture of a teacher in middle school looking like this:

is kind of emotionally scarring. justfyi

Am writing fic.


Holy shit what is this?

omg omega writing fic


end of teh wooooorld


It's cool. I've started seriously sketching out possibly the derpiest thing ever. Songfic. Gay songfic. Based on a U2 song.


This isn't real life.

It's Fang/Dylan. Definite end of teh woooorld.


That giftfic thread made me do it.

I believe you mean 'awesome' and/or 'sexy'.


I still haven't finished mine. Dammit perfectionism / lazy-asshole syndrome.

I haven't written in ages and it's terrible.


What are you writing??


I start work tomorrow morning, and should be learning up on the stuff I'm supposed to know from last year.


I find the idea awesome.


The U2 songfic is the first prompt for the You're Gonna Die epic-length challenge I posted a while ago. The giftfic... fuck, man, I don't remember.


I have an exam to take. Tomorrow. asfkjasdf


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