Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I feel like this is the wrong answer...


Meh, sure. If it wasn't anything personal, I feel like I could possibly put trust into her.


Now, do you mind telling us why?


Her teeth are too perfect and she looks creepy.

Like that lady at Wal-Mart who kept touching my necklace.



I went to get pants at Wal-Mart because Wal-Mart is cheap. I am poor, so cheap = good. 


And I went to try them and lo and behold CREEPY LADY is working the room. So I'm all like, "Yo, I wanna try these here trousers," and she's all like, "LOOKE AT THAT NECKLACES SO MUCH LIKE MINE." -TOUCH TOUCH TOUCH- And I"m all, "O.O..."


It happened THREE times, once when she showed another lady and talked about, "How much it looked like hers." I felt violated and weird but I couldn't tell her off because that'd be even weirder so I'm just like, "ahahahaahhahaha...O.o"


In the end I got the pants. And I'm never wearing that necklace to that Wal-Mart again. I don't like touchy people. 

...That's really creepeh. >.>

XD Pretty much. 


Luckily, I no longer want to buy pants from Wal-Mart ever again. 

I now have the odd compulsion to run away to Canada to find you and violate you with necklase assault.

Also - picture of said necklace?  :D?

She looks... very self invested. Too polished. I'd not distrust her, but if she were selling me car insurance, I'd be wondering how she got her commissions, and whether what she was recommending was better for me, or just for her.


This is the lady who did the voicework for GLaDOS in Portal.

I only know who/what that is by Google.

But still... 



Nathan, that was not the memo you were looking for. This is the memo you were looking for:


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