Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I want to go... to a friends' house or something. I haven't actually wanted to talk in a long time. Weird.

I just want to get out of my house and talk to someone. And for once I don't mean just listen, like actually talk/rant/have a two way conversation with someone.
*same* Maybe I'll have Liv come over this weekend. As much as I complain about her, she's pretty awesome one-on-one..... I just can't stand her around other people. *really wants to just.... talk* And not online, really, just have an actual two-way conversation and.... yeah.

Oddly enough, it feels like I haven't used my real voice in ages. Not including 2 word sentences used in sports or anything, but. . . . . yeah. *understands*.
*understands* I can't talk to my friends, very easily, at school either..... they're just different, anymore. I dunno.

My friends, it's not that they're different, it's just getting them away from all the distractions. Some of the things, I don't need people hearing and then twisting around the wording/ spreading it/ make the conversation awkward. And then it's just a matter of getting a person willing to talk/listen, and a good timing for that.
*nods* I miss my friend Devon, so much. I could talk to her about anything and she was very blunt and sarcastic, to the point where some people might call it rude.... but she actually cared, and tried to understand. But she's doing IB, so she's /so/ busy that I never get to see her anymore. v.v

Same with my friend Megan. She when to the fancy prep school and. . well. . .there went all her time

Foss just got an IB programme ('Tis like the only within 50mi of here), and Pearl's thinking about doing it. . . she doesn't realize how much of a toll that'll take on everything else, though. >.<'

Yeah, Mira Loma's IB is like renowned, it's extremely intense...

Tell her not to do it. Seriously, for her sake. Devon and Arash are both doing it, and.... *misses them*
Got my chem exam back today x_x

It's a terribly good thing I'm not doing it next year. At least I did well in English...


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