Some of the time, for some people... You have to be good at it, and, well, I'm not. Generally ends with me being all 'Oh, okay then. You just try and get around to it when you can...*flees*'
I might have to remember that for next time, although getting across that it actually means that much when it does is probably one of my biggest problems. *is way too polite most of the time*
I have, like, the attention span of a hamster. The fact that the characters won't shut up (and that they're really pretty cute) is what keeps me writing RC, and not abandoning it to the netherworld of unfinished fic that occupies far too much of my account >.>
My attention span is probably closer to that of a goldfish >.> There's a reason that the rest of my fic is made up entirely of oneshots. But I don't want to abandon it, because there are scenes I actually want to write, if I ever manage to get to them.
I need to thank your characters for refusing to shut up and being really cute then.