Permalink Reply by Fake on December 15, 2009 at 1:04pm
Actually, it's not to prevent offending people. I just don't want to be lowered to the same level as previous, "Evil," dictators. I don't want them making me look good.
I had a conversation like that, more than once. I always seem to run into my male friends in the lingerie department. I don't question them as to what they're doing there.
Permalink Reply by Xuut on December 15, 2009 at 1:20pm
My female friend is scared to go into La Senza.
Why, I have no clue.
I mean you're wearing the undergarments are you not? It's not strange to go in the store. X.X I'm actually curious to know if her mom buys underwear and such for her or not.
That's odd. I... one time, my guy friends decided it would be really fun to hang out in Fredrick's Hollywood.... that was just bad. I was with them, too, and I was the only girl, and here I am with like four guys who are all trying on bras while I'm standing off to the side. XD