More or less. Once I start on the Astronomy bit / at 21 / whichever comes first, I'm making myself tea and relocating to the couch for a while. (Also, as below... Yen+ magazine came today, featuring Jeb in a fabulous sweater <3)
I'd rather write RC than study, tbh >.> Astronomy is a joke class.
Yeah :D (Aaaaand I actually have a scan of that. It's a bit big and bad quality, but, uh, enjoy anyway.)
It was a seriously easy class. :3 This week is pretty easy overall... some stressy bits, but tomorrow I get to come in and basically write for an hour and a half, then go take my Astronomy exam, then go home.
Permalink Reply by Fate on December 15, 2009 at 1:20pm
Whoo! (Yessss. ...why do Jeb pictures make me go awww?)
Lucky you. Tomorrow, we aren't doing much in...any class, and then the next two days are finals, but only in some classes. Some don't have one/ gave it early/ I waved it.
(Because he's fucking adorable in that picture, maybe? Also let me geek out at you: my personal headcanon is that one, Roland likes wearing sweaters, and two, Roland and Jeb steal clothes from each other sometimes. So that picture made me go "aww he's wearing Roland's sweater" because I'm a nerdy nerd. I have a few more scans of him in the manga if you want...)
Yeah... Wednesday is pretty tough to start out with my AP Psych exam, but then I have Art and Engineering... and then English and math on Thursday...
Permalink Reply by Fate on December 15, 2009 at 1:25pm
(YES. Oh gawd that makes me all awwww even more. Again, YES.)
(I turned the page and went all "d'aww Jeb" and then my brain shorted out. \o/ I may be a nerd, but sometimes it makes stuff like that more fun. Hang on to your hat, I have quite a few.
Jeb in the second volume of the manga -- the first time we see him in color. His hair is apparently a little lighter brown, but he's in shadow here.