Several people. Recently, Nighthawk, Tigerchild were trying to start some kind of riot. The first rebellion, nearly all the antis. That one was bloodier, but this one..... it hits home harder.
Well, I talked about how all of my friends were getting banned, how it wasn't right, and how the site was being taken over by Nazis. I may have also mention the word "riot" a couple of times.
Then there was the petition. Very recently. The mods were talking to us like normal people, and we got 70 people to join the group, and they deleted it.
They aren't. They can be fun to chat with occasionally, but remember: they are mods first, people doing their jobs second, ordinary people third. They are not part of Maximum Ride fandom, so don't assume they've read the books. Don't do things to attract their attention -- and especially do not backtalk them.