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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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vOv I knew it was 999 from, like, osmosis...
Meh, when I was in Curacao I new the number from having seen it on posters, loads of cars, a billboard or two, and it was listed in my room. 'Tis something you pick up on.
XD Great chapter.

". . . and the rest of us pretended we only spoke French to avoid answering any questions."

I was fully able to picture that. xD
Anyone familiar with the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram?

Well, fuck it. Fuck it hard. 'Cause I gotta draw the bastard now >:|
Finished the study guide. It's five past midnight and I'm... happy as a clam, really :3

G'night, dead forum.
Off, goodnight, everyone.
*has been gone for four days*

I really missed you guys! Hi! Even though I know none of you are on right now. But still, I'm back! ^-^

So I'm off to school, facing the evil Chem test and an English test consisting of one question. I don't know how Mr. Fowler is going to pull that off, but I'm guessing that my hand's going to cramp up before class is over.

Oh, and Windows 7 Paint is super awesomely fun!!

edit- holy crap I missed four chapters?!??
Over vacation, I'm going to fake illness so I can stay in bed all day one day without anyone yelling at me for it.
Done with Astronomy test and the teacher won't let us go until everyone is done. So I'm stuck here for another hour. Man fuck it

My dad is home... he brought hamsters. I vaguely recall everyone bitching about how crappy my precious, evil rabbit was stinky and gross. I fail to see how hamsters are more sanitary....

Plus he's letting the kids take care of the two hamsters... I foresee a quick death for them. I pray the dog won't eat them.
I'm suspcious of these ones. One likes to climb and run around, the other likes to sleep.

I hope they're not like Pinky and the Brain...

I'm also wondering if my bunny shall squish them. I don't think my parents will appreciate that.
O.o I wanna put them in those hamster balls and laugh because they look so funny.

No, a much smaller one, but I want them to play. >.> The rabbit is like 10x their size.


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