Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I'm far from all of you....
@Xuut: Well, at least it's the right coast. XD
@Fishy: You're like in Kayte's backyard. And Throne's.

@Night: XD At least.
'>.> I am in Kayte's backyard, literally. *stalks*
*bangs head on desk*

That's it, my faith in humanity is gone.

...Also, if the people are this stupid, I never want to go to jail.
I never had any faith in humanity. :/

Why is yours gone?

And what about jail?
I was just told a story about a woman in jail who was pregnant. After she gave birth, she went over to see her kid, and said "Oh, Fuh-mahl-ee (this is how it was pronounced), what a beautiful name. I'm definitely going to name her Fuh-mahl-ee."

The tag on the cradle read "female," and was just telling the nurses what gender the infant was. There is now some poor kid out there named Female.
Oh my god. That's... wow. *facepalm*
Urban legends are the shit.

Ever heard the one about the little boy named Shithead? (It's pronounced Sha-THEED.)
Yeah.... what makes this worse? Not only is it an urban legend, but it actually happened. >.>
My parents work at the county jail.
...Oh, that is it, I am done.

Fuck it all ._.

People. God.
Mine died a long time ago.

When I realized humanity was so incredibly stupid.


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