I'm tempted to dig up / make an alter and unleash the full extent of my total-dick powers. Could probably at least piss her off, but... uh... I'm not feeling too sadistic.
Wishing I'd secretly hinted at wanting a Wired subscription for Christmas. I have the money, but I feel kind of silly asking my parents to let me get it... Part of my family is still pushing the whole "normal" thing on me, I still get issues of Seventeen in the mail.
I know, I know, but certain people in my family are all "YOU NEED TO BE NORMAL!" which is why I've gotten subscriptions to random teen chick-magazines for the past three years. >.>
Yeah... we'll see. I'll probably just slowly get them used to the idea that I'm not, nor will I ever be, their definition of "normal." Which really shouldn't have anything to do with my magazine taste, but to some it does apparently. >.>