Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I've made six or seven alters to get around various bans -- all of which are also now banned. And I have one remaining backup alt which I refuse to use for posting.
I assumed you left MX seeing as you said goodbye to it and Maximum Ride UK. But, yes Nathan you win. XP

-.- I posted on them... Maybe that was why I was banned. -Is considering acting squee like...-
I'm afraid of having an alter now....

I had like 12 spam accounts on TTS in one night.
Hehehe TTS...

I'm still clean there.

I'm in the mood for spamming it though. >={3
First rebellion, the day the mods came. It wasn't all me, there were at least two others, but....

That was fun. I was up till like 3am just posting all over.
I remember when all the antis from MX went to screw with the people on TTS. XD Hilarious.

XD I wish I was there. It sounds epic.
:B If that was back in March, I was part of that and it was amazing. carino2 and I had loads of fun, and then Happi Zebra spammed holy hell out of the chat, to the point where chat got removed from the site.
I remember that, back when the Legion, was a spamming group, too. . . .
The Legion was actually why I got banned from TTS XD In retrospect, that was my first hint that the mods there were fuckheads... and I didn't heed it.
I didn't leave so much as I got banned v.v MR UK, same deal -- I got banned and decided "fuck this place I don't need you schmucks".
Good call. I'm too clingy to do it, plus I just want to annoy the bastards.
It has been very hard, I admit, to not go all Nathan-rage on some people on MX <.>


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