I've given up on reasons for hating gay people... what I'm usually after is a good, solid reason to hate Jeb/Roland.
I can see quite a few reasons to logically ship it and support Fax at the same time:
- It doesn't interfere with Fax.
- Both are villains, so its existence doesn't suggest that good people can also be gay -- that is, it's "safe" for them to be gay
- Neither show up that much in canon, so it's not like they're all over squickin' up canon (unlike Fax *cheap shot*)
Permalink Reply by Xuut on October 5, 2009 at 4:46am
D: Oh gawds! I'mma end up like Angel, raped by JP! Or Edward... just ew.
And yes, Brigid & Valencia sounds fun, but finish RC first!
Max is an attention whore. She HAS to have the limelight.
Ooh, that sounds like a good fic. Attention Whore, Nudge's thoughts on Max's need to be in the limelight.
v.v I was actually planning to finish RC during October 'cause I wanna write the first sequel for NaNo, but I dunno how that's gonna pan out.
Write it >.>
Permalink Reply by Xuut on October 5, 2009 at 4:18am
I'm still not giving up on that either. Homophobes piss me off hardcore. I get it a lot in my house. I've given up there as my brother is claiming he's 'gay'' so now apparently I'M the homophobe...
Jeb/Roland is the best damn pairing since... Romeo and Juliet. Well, at least it's written nicely. Better than Fax anyways..
Pish, Fax only shows up in those last two, the rest can be defined as hormones.
One of my favourite excuses is that MR is a kids book therefore it cannot have gay people.
First off it's a teen book. It's rated YA. Second of all kids books CAN have gays. Harry Potter. Dumbledore is gay folks.
That one cracks me up and makes me want to cry simultaneously. I'm not going to ask for a sympathetic portrayal, maybe that's going too far, but would it really be so much to ask to have a queer character -- just one -- in MR?
As it is MR is hilariously "off" anyway -- only Max and Fang are allowed to be physically affectionate with each other. Ari is the only other character allowed to be attracted to someone (beyond Iggy being a teenage boy). It's ridiculous.