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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Or maybe Jean doesn't comprehend who she is working for, exactly.
JP, you racist freaky old man _o_

The "speak French" bit made me laugh. Thank you, Ni.

In addition, Jesus wept but that's a bad audiobook. I could do it better. I think I have. That "accent" is a fucking joke -- can this woman actually read? It doesn't take a genius to do a horrible stereotypical accent. "Hyperdermic" would not be a good needle ._.

Re. Jean: JP. STOP IT.

There have been eight billion OCs with magic healing powers. Quelle unoriginal.

Then again, am I surprised?
Isn't everything based off fanfiction these days?
I laugh when I play the game where I try to spot things that could've come from fic in JP's MR books.

Figgy. Possibly TFW in its entirety. And now magic healer OC. If she makes Iggy non-blind or saves Fang from death I WILL KILL A BITCH.
Based off bad fanfiction.
JP is the only person I know who can write badfic about something he came up with.
I dunno, Breaking Dawn was pretty bad...
Twilight started out bad and stayed about the same level of awful.

MR started out promising and... deteriorated.
Well SM did ruin Jacob for me.

I half liked him.

Till I read Breaking Dawn. Now I want to kill him off very painfully.
Breaking Dawn was hilarious, but not as much of a gorefest as I was promised. Too much schmoop, not enough hilariously bad writing / violence.

See, if I'm ever to write a book report on an author he's number one.

Oh boy, slander!
See... his quality of writing has gotten better, but as the years go on I think he's smoked a fuck of a lot more crack.

One of his first novels is about... erm, a man trying to figure out who killed some people.

One of his later novels is about God and Satan getting two teenage virgins pregnant.


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