Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Not too bad. Tired. I need to go make lunch.
I might make some coffee... I don't really wanna sleep just yet.
... I really hate people who have the same pictures as you guys.

It confuses me. >./body>
Liiiiike who?

Someone had the same picture as Fate's FB. Thought it was Fate.

And then there's people with Lamp's picture...
There's always people with Lamp's picture. Lamp's been using that icon herself for years, and I think it's a sample pic with Vista. (Unless you mean the lamppost I used and then. . . . . that's just odd.)
And it's always been confusing. Especially when it's used by newbs with bad grammar *pays very little attention to names* *has a 'What the hell is Lamp saying' reaction almost every time*
Lamp refers to herself in third person now?
XD I always had that reaction too....

If somebody ever uses my picture, somebody please let me know. I'd be a little creeped out, since it's actually my picture.....


Silly parson, silly parson.
/Mostly/ her profile. (With lots of footage on the Comment wall, with nice people. Which does not seem the tone of that video...)
Saw that months ago XD
The comments especially crack me up.

I wonder if any others of us are on youtube.


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