Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Most the time the conversation between you two is sports, or about the people on this site. Both topics I know nothing about.
...she's really the one who knows anything worthwhile about sports, I just know enough to understand everything she says and contribute at points.

And you can get to know the people here..... or think of a completely unrelated topic, like, I don't know, a book or a TV show, or a story from RL....

I'm going to encourage story telling because that'd be the most interesting, and you know more about both of us than we do you. Also, I like stories.

Story Time!
I disagree, at least on the knowing each other part. there really isn't anything to know about me. You two already know the one thing I keep from telling others. As for anything else, if you wanted to know anything about me you would have asked. On most accounts I have no qualms with answering.

And I know next to nothing at all about you Lamp.
But asking is so awkward, it'd be more natural if you shared things just because they were on your mind or because it leads into something that happened recently.

And the only reason you know so much about me is because I never shut up.

I think we know a lot about Lamp.... (Also, it's weird to see you calling her "Lamp.")
Some things. . . .you have to just be told, and n o because you asked.

What's that? Your name/address?

Mate, you know me well enough to come and kill me in my sleep. What more do you want/need?

Edit - 28 seconds, Megan. >.<'

And I agree, it's really weird to see you calling me Lamp again. Not that it isn't appreciated here.
Eh, we have different opinions, the only way I know that someone wants to know something is if they ask. Otherwise I just don't have anything to say or can think of anything to say. As for whats on my mind, the contents of our email a couple weeks ago is basically what is on my mind 90% of the time.

I don't think I know anything about her. Well I can't rightly call her by her real name on here can I?

Lamp- If I told you on here it really wouldn't be as much of a secret now would it?
About the only thing I need to kill you is your address and name, that really isn't much.
@Pyro - Technically that's all we need to kill her, but it's made easier by all the personal tidbits we know. Things like her school, a vague idea of her daily routine, when she's home, when she's awake, an idea of where she's likely to be day-to-day, more than assists us were we to decide to murder her. Not that I'm planning on anything.
Is your computer still acting up?

>.<' Bleh.

And I consider that loads of info. . .

You could've said the general topic. xD

@Megan - o.o Holy crap. I shouldn't be surprised, should I? That heaps of info, what, do you live in my attic or something?

Quick and painless is all I ask.
Megan- Several of those I wouldn't have the slightest about.
I'm not saying I plan on killing you, I'm just saying that those are useful no matter WHO you're planning murder against. And we happen to have an idea of these things about you, whether or not any of us planned it that way. We just talk to you enough.

And I like being creepy, it's very fun, and you all don't hold it against me quite as much so I'm pretty safe here.
It might help your mental health and all, but I'd think that a rather horrid idea. . and I think Megan would agree with me. >.<'


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