Permalink Reply by Pyro on January 17, 2010 at 1:04pm
I don't know enough to... *can't think of a clever metaphor* suffice to say I don't know squat about sports.
I'm not very good at the coming up with an unrelated topic. As for stories, I don't really have any, or at least I don't remember any until the come up in context.
Of course you have stories, everyone has stories. Hell, I'd rather hear in exact detail what you and Megan did that day, than sit there in silence. Tell your life story, of your friends, of something stupid someone/you did, etc.
Someone needs to make/find a 'random topic generator' we could use. *googles*
Permalink Reply by Pyro on January 17, 2010 at 1:14pm
I have very few stories, and I never think of them unless they come up in context or just randomly comes up.
As for life story, you basically know most of it, and as for anything in specific, you would have to ask. Friends, they are idiots, whats more to know?
Permalink Reply by Pyro on January 17, 2010 at 1:24pm
My day: Wake up, go to school, sit around and be half asleep while at school, come home, play video games/come on and chat, go to sleep. That is my day 90% of the time.
Again, I never said I didn't have them, I just don't REMEMBER THEM >.>
Well then don't complain that you don't know anything about me. >.> I'm willing to answer most anything at this stage, but I don't know what to say unless asked/suggested.
Just talk. Ramble mindlessly. We'll end up with interesting stories like how you almost strangled yourself or kicked yourself in the head. Or maybe that's just me.
Permalink Reply by Pyro on January 17, 2010 at 1:29pm
I don't like to ramble mindlessly, If I did, no one reply, leading to still no talk, and my thoughts that no one cares about what I'm saying, leading to me just not wanting to talk at all.