Obama was the entire topic about our MLK assembly, and then most of the facts were WRONG. *was about to explode* And it has changed many of their attitudes, and gave them another excuse to call people racist, etc. >.>
XD No one remembers me, that I've seen anyway. Which is both good and bad. It'd be creeped out a tad if someone did, but. . . it's nice to feel remembered.
I think I'll push it just a little bit further. If you follow your link, you'll see how.
@ Lamp: Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them. (W Shakespeare, Twelfth Night)
I could write a whole novella on how MDW parallels the real world as a whole, but I have no interest in doing so.
"Some are prats that are just trying to get status on MX by 'remembering' and worshiping well known names and powers on MX. This is not at all considered honourable and the person is using it for their own personal and selfish needs so they might be thought of as popular on the site. " - Lamp Post, FlockForum, What Are You Doing Right Now, page 1998.