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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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You're a science-fiction guy. I confess that the most science-fictional book I've enjoyed reading is probably Artemis Fowl (do you consider that science-fiction?). I first read it when I was younger because I thought that the title meant that there would be some Greek/Roman mythology involved. I enjoyed the cleverness, though now that I read it I realize that it's not really as genius as it first seemed. Still, there are fond memories.

I don't even know what genre I like the most. I'm enjoying reading Emma (I've gotten to the part where Frank Churchill leaves). I think Mansfield Park and Sense and Sensibility were slow. Marianne and Colonel Brandon were just irritating, and Edward was no better.

Have you read Pride and Prejudice? And if so, what did you think of that one? I'm almost scared to ask, because I loved it.

And now that we're talking about novels, what was your opinion on the response I just typed out?
:C *hugs*

Well, whenever you see this, I have some more of that random fluff fic from yesterday, so uh... if you want that...
That sucks :C I hope you can get it fixed and get your files back. With all the computerfail going on lately, I am damn glad that I've been handwriting fic lately.

\o/ Excellent. Lemme start typing it up. First I gotta eat something, though *hasn't eaten yet today*
D: No bueno. Somewhere like Best Buy might be able to rescue your files, though -- they're probably not completely gone. I think.

_o_ I've been putting off eating all day 'cause I've been pretty wicked nauseous. And I'm praying that this passes before we do a dissection in anatomy, because I refuse to be That Kid -- the one who throws up during a dissection.
O hey. Page numbers. Wicked!

And the knife of never letting go is awesome. If it's the book I'm thinking of. Poo, Todd?
XD Because it's insanely awesome.

Here's a picture of my sister's Pikachu, Rick. It's her FB display picture. Very epic.

I present to you, Rick the Cowboy.
*has no Pokemon hanging around my room* *feels like a fail*

Firefox corrected 'pokemon' to 'Pokemon.' O.o
It should've corrected it to Pokémon....
List of Pokemon I have:

List of Pokemon my sister has:
Pikachu X10 (at least)
Squirtle X3
and well, a lot. I'm jealous.

I want a Mudkip though.
My brother had a mudkip, once upon a time. I had a torchic. 'Had' being the key word there. I wonder where it went. *goes in search*
Watching a movie and getting extremely sick of thise Haiti commercials cumming up every time there is a commercial.
Reminds me of that song "The internet is for Porn" Ahh that was a funny song...

Maybe you should try turning all pop ups off?


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