I can only be here for a minute since I've got a ton of homework like I have for past two weeks, but anyway, HI! I've missed you guys! D: I still have to go study for my Human Geography test tomorrow, do six or seven Pre-calculus problems, and draw two ears from different angles (each of which will take me over an hour x.x), but I'm here for a sec. Anywayz, what's gone on for the last couple of days:
The sign for the church across the street from my school says "God will always peace things together." x.x
I was annoyed by grammatical errors both in my principal's speech and on my Physics test today. XD
Hu. Geog. notes said something about "communications being easier thanks to computers, phones, FAX, etc..." Yes, FAX was capitalized. And yes, it reminded me of MDW. x.x
Also in that class, our teacher had apparently found a pair of sweatpants in the classroom, and she asked us about "Who left their pants in here?" and the board had a very large 3rd block: PANTS? written on it. XDD The highlight of my entire day.
Also, apparently I'm awesome at art, since I'm better at some of this stuff than some of the kids in the Advanced Drawing and Painting class, whose sketchbooks are stared at in awe by most kids in my class... >.>
Whenever I hear anything about Big Brother, I think of EndOf. XD