Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Pish, Ranting your older than me.

I think...

I'm pretty sure.

I meant, I'm glad I wasn't the one to say, "I thought Ni was the young one..."
TBH when I first met Ni, I was almost postitive she was older than me. I think about that for a lot of people actually...

And yes, I'm pretty sure, I'm younger than Fishy by several months.
Really? If you say so...

You are, Xuut? I'm younger than Ranting... (7/26/95 -- am I really older than you, Xuut?)
Well if it makes you feel better according to my classmates everyday is my birthday which means that I'm about 4781.25.

-Feels bad for the older members like Nathan and Lamp and Flying-

They must feel REALLY old...

Edit: @Fishy: Yes. 10-30-95, by several months.
Flying's older than Nathan, isn't she?

And Lamp's only fifteen. She's not too much over a year older than I am.
Xuut, beat you by a year and a day! :D
Your all much younger then I am. x__x
@Fishy: Woah... I thought she was 16, this is confusing. >.> And yes, I think Flying is either a year older than Nathan or the same age.

@Ranting: XD Somehow that's quite catchy.
XD I know, Pyro. (You're like three years older than me... it makes me feel like a little kid or something.)

Edit - @Xuut - Nah, she's fifteen. And Nathan and Flying are both sixteen, I believe.
Megan- It's sounding like I'm the oldest person here, I think that is sad...


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