Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Working on a character for RP. :D
Wishing that the internet wasn't slowing down Google docs. >:|

Edit: Argh, I need a faster connection and I think this site is slowing it down. I'll check up every 15 minutes or so, but farewell for now. :D
Bye, sort of!

That is a beautiful picture.
OMG. I <333 this!!! :D
So my sister just bought Taylor Swift's biography.

What she is telling me? That Taylor Swift downloaded her own album from itunes so it'd be more popular. And when she goes to Wal-Mart she puts her own CDs up front.

I must tell my sister this; she loves Taylor Swift. XD
Hating my Spanish teacher.
>: <-- Una morsa!

She didn't assign us any homework the first semester, and now all of a sudden we get a project like every two days. :/
The morsa made more happy than it should. *loopy*.

The most recent one is on you when you were seven, despite the fact that we just had a fucking project on five years of our life. -.-'
Luffling Owl City ^-^


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