Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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G'night Puercoespin.
Reading the two chapters of Fate's story that I missed (I am soo glad I bookmarked that page), and getting ready to go to my room so I can pass out. x.x G'night!
I was going to reply to someone, and suddenly Teh Banhammer struck them. ??
No doubt the mods are paranoid.

My lurker account is still safe. >:D
So that wasn't you? Could have sworn it was.
Guess the mods were equally as sure.

Nah, I'm just lurkying around the place.

Who was it?
Someone called 'The Fall Line'.

They sounded just like you!

Huh, really?
I was CONVINCED it was you.

I feel sorry for them now, being banned for no reason other than they sounded a little like you.

The Mods are too ban-happy nowadays =(
Yeah, you see how fair they are?

It's unbelievable.
And I was starting to like that guy/girl/whatever.

Fun ruiners!

*shakes fist at sky*
If they sounded like me, they must've been awesome. XD

Not just fun-ruiners, but account-murderers. D:


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