Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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What the hell.

I just lost power AGAIN.

Only for like five minutes... What is wrong with this place?
Signing up for MDW.

No, I left, then came back on, then quit, and now I'm back...

For fun, does anyone even know who I am?

And when no one replies, I’ll be saddened. *sigh*
Aww. Thanks.

... But no comment.
I don't think I do...

Unless you were part of TTS.
I don't think so...

Edit: I'm going to take a random guess and say Robotomy?

Under a new name or something?

'Cause you live in the same place... and you're both online...
Nope, not me.

Hello person from New Zealand!
Nope, but thanks for humouring me =P


Ah well, your welcome.
Tally doesn’t remember me...


She has no power either?

Also, iPod Touch! Whoo!
*is listening to iTouch*

I luffles mine. ^-^
Grrr... Power outage would be fun for me, but instead we just have this stupid freaking COLD. >.<'

We had a tornado one morning in December (on my birthday, actually...) at like, 5:15 in the morning, and it left half the town with no power. If there's no power, schools can't make lunch for hundreds of kids. Therefore, there was no school that day. Best freaking birthday on a Wednesday ever. (of course it might've been better if a tree hadn't almost fallen into my room...)


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