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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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*waves widly*

I'm doing my Biotech paper... >.>

You're back!


Biotech? Nice.
It's bull. I hate NCEA and the silly things it wants from me.

I mean, the Biotech paper is 5 pages of writing in 45mins. I will have no HAND.
That's cuz NCEA is shit and means nothin once you've got a degree. But compared to some of the stuff NCEA does, Biotech is relatively interesting.
True that. I've got to do a six minute presentation on King Lear. The hell?
Had to do one on short stories.

Basically my presentation was on how the symbolism was shit, and that we could theorise on what it meant forever and ever. The author had something in mind, and this wasn't it. Drugs probably was it. We're reading way too much into it.

I don't miss high school at all.
That's awesome, what did you get? I hope E.
You're smart.

Be happy.

You have a thing called a bright future. :D

And drop kick anyone who insults you because you're intellectually superior to them.
XD Eh, I think I've bullshitted just about every assignment I've gotten this year. And they were alright. You're doing fine. Maybe sub-consciously you knew the answers.
That's really good. That way in HS you'll prolly be one of those kids who gets to go into Algebra II as a freshman. Which is really, really, really a good thing.
Is it strange to say I really like Algebra?

I can always check if I'm right...


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