Hey, the more math you know, the better off you are--granted, the better off you are if you actually intend on going in that direction; one of the students in my Calc 2 class is a theater major--no clue what's up with her.
Personally I feel that I'm done with math. Infinite summations did me in this semester. I got a B anyway, but it just isn't something I enjoy doing.
The kind where you're surrounded by a bunch of brain dead, possibly drunk morons who you don't know and you just stand on a little spot on the carpet, having to move every five seconds because some moron wants by.
No, these are on the opposite end of the spectrum.
The ones who read Catcher in the Rye and things by Ray Bradbury and quote sparknotes to show off how smart they are, the kind of people who act all, "Everybody but me is just a sheep."
God damn it. I can understand individuality, but it's not individuality when you copy every other non conformist out there.
Catcher is Ok when you realize just how Holden is supposed to be viewed.
Besides, he's mildly relateable in that he's a teenager and sees things from our wonderful cynical point of view and it's one of the first novels to actually follow someone's thought process. That takes skill.